
Entrevista sobre la invitación a Felipe Calderón para incorporarse a Harvard (Expediente Noticias, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Entrevista sobre la invitación a Felipe Calderón para incorporarse a Harvard (Expediente Noticias, 28 de noviembre de 2012)

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 08:39 PM PST

Dra. Irma Eréndira Sandoval, Fellow del "Safra J. Center for Ethics" de la Universidad de Harvard e investigadora de la UNAM, se inconforma con la próxima presencia de Felipe Calderón como "académico" en la universidad estadounidense.

Para escuchar el audio de la entrevista en Expediente Noticias con Jorge Armando Rocha oprima aquí 

"Como Fellow de Harvard me pronuncio en contra de la protección política ofrecida a FCH. Sumemos voces para denunciar esta indignidad."- @Irma_Sandoval

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Entrevista en CNN, "Outgoing Mexican president defends legacy in wake of drug war (Thursday, November 29, 2012)

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 08:34 PM PST

Calderon heads to Harvard

President-elect Enrique Peña Nieto, who takes office Saturday, has said he plans to take a different approach, focusing on reducing violence. He has offered few specifics about how his security policies will differ from Calderon's strategy, but he's said that change is coming. 

"We will keep the policies that I think work," Peña Nieto said this week, "including cooperation with the United States to effectively fight organized crime." 

As Pena Nieto prepared to take the reins this week, Mexicans learned the answer to a question that has been the subject of much speculation: Where will Calderon go, now that his term is ending? 

Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government announced Wednesday that the outgoing Mexican president will spend the next year as a global public leaders fellow at the school.

"President Calderon is a vivid example of a dynamic and committed public servant, who took on major challenges in Mexico," David T. Ellwood, the school's dean, said in a statement. 

Hours after the announcement, a Mexican researcher who is studying ethics and corruption at Harvard this year said university officials should reconsider the move. 

"I am alarmed that Harvard will protect a person as unethical as Felipe Calderon," Irma E. Sandoval wrote in a Twitter post. 

Sandoval, who is a fellow this year at Harvard's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and also heads a corruption and transparency research laboratory at Mexico's National Autonomous University, said she was hoping others at Harvard would join her in protesting Calderon's appointment. 

The outgoing president, she told CNN, does not deserve the one-year fellowship. 

"He is handing over a country in flames," she said. 

At the end of the video released by the Mexican president's office Wednesday, Calderon strides down the steps of his official residence. 

"As a citizen I will continue serving the country passionately until the end of my days, always grateful for the privilege I have been given to be Mexican. Many thanks, and see you soon, Mexico," the president says. 

He looks up toward a flag, fluttering in the sky. 

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